ScambleBecause every Nigerian Scammer needs more surrealism |
Rita/Mbutu/Jenny (current Dec 05) Mugo & the Pink Flamingo (long) |
Nwa and the Elephant Called SimonI was sitting at home minding my own business on a Saturday night, when suddenly a request pops up on Skype. Odd. Who is this? I accept the contact request and start chatting. Fortunately the chat was pretty slow - I actually built an entire website while we were chatting! So although my work was slow it wasn't a complete waste of my time. Was a complete waste of his though! I start off playing dumb, buttering him up a bit, setting myself up as rich, dumb and naive. That bit is a bit boring, but necessary to get him on the hook. The first silliness starts at around 9:27:14 PM (so skip to there if you want), and gets progressively sillier. Too silly too soon and you lose them. As always, eventually got bored. My comments in (round brackets) [8:46:20 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: hello? [8:46:20 PM] Mark: Mark has shared contact details with CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS. [8:46:28 PM] Mark: hi....? [8:47:01 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: am barrister nwa chi [8:47:18 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: am a lawyer from benin republic [8:47:23 PM] Mark: ok [8:47:30 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: nice to meet you [8:47:39 PM] Mark: hi [8:47:48 PM] Mark: Nwa Chi is your name? [8:47:57 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes [8:48:39 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: am here searching for the family of my late client and i just meet you [8:48:58 PM] Mark: Ok [8:49:01 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: my late client from germany [8:49:34 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: can we make good friends? [8:49:46 PM] Mark: Maybe [8:49:56 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yea [8:50:22 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: so what do you do as business? [8:50:50 PM] Mark: I run a large marketing company [8:51:24 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: ok, that is good [8:51:55 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: am a lawyer and also have a mining company [8:52:08 PM] Mark: great. Mining company is in Benin? [8:52:34 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes, we work as agent [8:52:44 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: to buyer [8:52:53 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: gold and diamonds [8:53:15 PM] Mark: Sounds like you know what you are doing [8:53:26 PM] Mark: Difficult business [8:53:47 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes, but have much money [8:54:11 PM] Mark: Great [8:54:16 PM] Mark: Me too ;) [8:54:23 PM] *** CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS sent my pic.JPG *** ![]() [8:55:39 PM] Mark: You are a VERY handsome man Nwa. [8:55:52 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: thanks [8:55:57 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: and you too [8:58:35 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: i will give you my private skype then you add me [8:59:02 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: maybe we can make business if you want [8:59:11 PM] Mark: Depends what sort of business [8:59:22 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: if you can get gold buyer from you area [8:59:37 PM] Mark: I have been talking to some of my competitors about buying them out [8:59:44 PM] Mark: But can't find a company which I think is good enough [9:00:17 PM] Mark: Most of them are small companies, and they only want $500,000 - $1,000,000 to sell out. Too small. [9:00:27 PM] Mark: What's wrong with this skype? [9:01:11 PM] Mark: My lawyer does the valuations for me. I don't really understand how it works. I just trust him. [9:01:19 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: notting but not on all the time [9:01:56 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: how many kilos do the companies needs? [9:02:19 PM] Mark: Well they are marketing companies, I dont know much about gold. But I do know its a good business to be in. [9:02:35 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: i have my good friend his names are DR MARK FAVOUR [9:04:16 PM] Mark: Ok [9:04:22 PM] Mark: A Doctor is good [9:04:34 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: with 1.000.000 dollars you can buy many gold [9:04:42 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes [9:04:51 PM] Mark: I thought you would need more than $1m? [9:04:51 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: very good [9:05:02 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: no [9:05:12 PM] Mark: Oh that's pretty easy then [9:05:37 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: 1m is what they will need for the exporting of the gold [9:05:51 PM] Mark: That sounds cheap? [9:06:17 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: then after the final assay report the buyer can selle and pay the seller [9:06:27 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: listen [9:07:01 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: the gold is 23,000 dollars per a kilo [9:07:31 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: then the seller have 500 kilos [9:07:42 PM] Mark: Ok [9:07:53 PM] Mark: What is the minimum? More or less than 500kg? [9:08:45 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: but the buyer will pay upfront 1.000.000 for the export expainses of the gold to the buyers country airport or refinery [9:08:58 PM] Mark: $1,000,000 for expenses? [9:09:42 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes, but it will be dedect from the sellers fund before payment [9:10:06 PM] Mark: So if I were to spend $1m, how much would go to gold and how much to fees? [9:10:22 PM] Mark: More than 15% in fees would seem like a lot? [9:10:46 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: you know you will have to pay for taxes issurance transportation and legal documents from minister of mining [9:11:08 PM] Mark: Of course [9:11:37 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: that is not yours [9:11:51 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: it from the account of the seller [9:11:55 PM] Mark: Ok [9:12:48 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: you will dedect the 15% after assay report and pay him the balance [9:13:28 PM] Mark: How much are the fees? [9:13:53 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: no fees [9:14:29 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: all the fees will be paid by the seller and ship the gold to the buyer [9:14:44 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: that is what the 15% is for [9:15:06 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: they can take 15% or 10% [9:15:29 PM] Mark: Ok [9:15:54 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: the buyer can come down and see all the action [9:16:09 PM] Mark: To Benin? [9:16:43 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: as we always like the buyer to come down so that the buyer will see all and confirm it all [9:16:53 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes Benin [9:16:56 PM] Mark: Ok [9:17:00 PM] Mark: That makes sense [9:17:25 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: but if the buyer cannot come because of one thing or other [9:17:33 PM] Mark: I wonder how much a plane ticket is to benin.... I think business class would probably only be $8,000 or something. [9:17:42 PM] Mark: It's the time though [9:17:46 PM] Mark: Long trip, out of the office [9:18:42 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: this can only take 4 to 5 working days [9:18:49 PM] Mark: Hmmmmm [9:18:53 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes [9:19:01 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: it not hard [9:19:01 PM] Mark: Is there another option? [9:19:15 PM] Mark: Perhaps have a lawyer in Benin visit? [9:19:52 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: buyer can transfer the 15% to the sellers account [9:20:41 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: then we as the agent will get the money from the seller and make all the shipping cost and ship the gold by air france [9:21:40 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: give me your email [9:22:28 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: i will call DR MARK FAVOUR and get the FCO from him and send to you (remember this - FCO) [9:22:57 PM] Mark: FCO? [9:23:03 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes [9:23:04 PM] Mark: Who is Dr Mark Favour? [9:23:07 PM] Mark: What is an FCO? [9:23:17 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: the seller [9:23:26 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: the owner of the gold [9:23:43 PM] Mark: So does he own the mine? Or a distributor? [9:23:44 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: he have 2000 kilos in storck [9:23:55 PM] Mark: Is that all? Can he get more if I want it? [9:24:05 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: but he can selle 500 kilos to buyer [9:24:42 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: he own the mine in burkina faso and in ghana [9:25:01 PM] Mark: Oh I've always wanted to visit Burkina Faso (this is actually true. Well, except always. For a few years) [9:25:29 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: and he have many local miners from all country here in west africa [9:25:43 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: really? [9:25:50 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: he have mine there [9:25:58 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: you can come [9:26:44 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: it will be good if you come in burkina faso or here in cotonou benin and see the gold [9:27:14 PM] Mark: It is the busy period at work though, that's the problem [9:27:34 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: ok [9:27:54 PM] Mark: You know what it's like, late february, everyone planning for christmas. [9:28:03 PM] Mark: Is it the same there? [9:28:19 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: no [9:28:50 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: our christmas is 25 december [9:29:19 PM] Mark: That's strange [9:29:41 PM] Mark: We have ours on 14 Sundery [9:29:51 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: are you a chritaine? [9:30:17 PM] Mark: Yes I am a chritaine. [9:30:27 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: am too [9:30:38 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: that is good [9:31:57 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: maybe after the christmas you can come or you make the transfer of the 15% then we join the seller and take cares of it [9:32:21 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: you will give us you full details [9:32:32 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: and company informations [9:32:32 PM] Mark: 14 Sundery isn't that far away. Do you celebrate anything in Sundery? [9:33:18 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: easther [9:33:44 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: the death of christ [9:34:02 PM] Mark: You celebrate someone dying? He must have been mean. [9:34:04 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: our lord jesus dead [9:34:34 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: that remembering his death [9:35:00 PM] Mark: Oh? Why do you need a day to remember? Do you have a bad memory? [9:35:22 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: he is our lord [9:35:46 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: we belived on him [9:35:59 PM] Mark: If he is your Lord, why would you forget? That seems odd [9:36:10 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: so we remember everything about him [9:36:48 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: what do you means by seems odd? [9:37:19 PM] Mark: Well you say he is your Lord, right? [9:37:30 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes [9:37:41 PM] Mark: But you have a special day to remember. Do you forget about it that easily that you need a day? [9:37:44 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: the savour of the hole eath [9:38:29 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: we have the day he was bone [9:38:39 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: and the day he dead [9:39:08 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: 25 december is the day he was bone [9:39:29 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: eather is the time he was killed [9:39:59 PM] Mark: So he was only alive for about 4 months, from when he was bone in december to easter? [9:40:13 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: nooooo [9:40:52 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: he live long time before he dead [9:41:01 PM] Mark: Ok [9:41:04 PM] Mark: You are very smart Nwa [9:41:19 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: really? [9:41:25 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: thanks [9:47:15 PM] Mark: So what is an FCO? I only know that to stand for Fecal Cleanliness Order. I had one of them from the council last year. Wasn't good... is that what an FCO means to you? (council had to fine me 3 times before I sorted it out to their satisfaction) [9:50:50 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: listen [9:51:20 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: FCO is full cooprate offer [9:51:54 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: that is the fist document that the seller have to give the buyer [9:52:10 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: to offer him of the selling [9:53:13 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: and it will carry the seller company informations and the quality and quantity of the goods [9:54:37 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: then once the seller send to the buyer with the conditions of the transaction [9:54:48 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: then the buyer will sign it [9:55:17 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: means he have accept the transaction with the conditions [9:55:38 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: that is FCO [9:55:48 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: do you understand it? [9:56:08 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: NWACHI LAW CHAMBERS Address: C/125 Guinkomey, Cotonou – Republic of Benin Tel : +229 9674 1822 Email: [9:58:39 PM] Mark: What is that address for? [9:59:23 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: that is my full contacts and adress [10:02:12 PM] Mark: Yes, so Dr Mark Favour will send me a Fecal Cleanliness Order? [10:03:52 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes [10:04:55 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: he will send you the deposite certificate and his company documents [10:05:20 PM] Mark: That's exciting! [10:06:04 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: then the rest of the documents will be send to you after the 15% is paid [10:06:05 PM] Mark: Feels like 13 Sundery, all that exciting anticipation [10:06:57 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: they will abtain the documents from the minister of mining on your names and send you copies [10:07:36 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: then the oreginal copies will come with the gold by air france [10:08:48 PM] Mark: I have to go to france to pick it up? [10:09:24 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: am whorching the eath quake in new zerland [10:09:38 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: nooo [10:10:01 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: the air france is international air plain [10:10:06 PM] Mark: I am whorching it as well. It's horable. [10:10:22 PM] Mark: I would prefer something fancy, but will settle for plain I guess [10:10:43 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: they will bring it to you direct to your country air port or refinery [10:11:25 PM] Mark: What if the refinery doesn't have a runway? [10:12:02 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: it depend on you [10:12:11 PM] Mark: I need to build my own runway? [10:12:24 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: they will bring it to the adress you will give us [10:12:31 PM] Mark: Could they drop it out the window of the air fancy/air plain? [10:12:45 PM] Mark: I need to wear a dress? What sort of person do you think I am? [10:13:07 PM] Mark: Only Saturday evenings. [10:13:31 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: listen [10:13:58 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: they air france will visit your country [10:14:09 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: they will come with the gold [10:14:25 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: or another air companies [10:14:38 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: we have money air companies [10:16:01 PM] Mark: Are you getting cross with me? [10:16:01 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: we can chooce one that always visit your country and give them the gold to deliver to you [10:17:29 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: what cross? [10:18:02 PM] *** Missed call from CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS. *** (not sure what this was about - he tried to make a skype call. I didn't have my mic plugged in). [10:18:10 PM] Mark: I don't have my nose phones plugged in [10:18:15 PM] Mark: You seem angry [10:18:40 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: no [10:18:43 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: am ok [10:20:17 PM] Mark: Are you sure? Would you like a cuddle? [10:20:52 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: what is cuddle? [10:21:21 PM] Mark: A special thing that happens between two men, especially when one is as handsome as you. [10:22:19 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: i have never done that before [10:22:29 PM] Mark: Is it something you have thought about? [10:22:46 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: i have my sex with oposit sex [10:23:00 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: ladies [10:23:07 PM] Mark: The opposite of ladies? [10:23:18 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: no [10:23:23 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: i means ladies [10:23:51 PM] Mark: ladies? That means more than one? You are a player I bet [10:24:17 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: not player [10:24:26 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: but like ledies [10:25:06 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: do you have sex with men? [10:25:27 PM] Mark: No, but maybe for the right handsome black man... [10:26:18 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: but not me [10:27:54 PM] Mark: Of course not! What do you take me for? I'm offended [10:30:09 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: if you not gold forget it [10:30:31 PM] Mark: I want gold [10:30:36 PM] Mark: From Dr Mark Favour [10:31:23 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: then you talk about it, then when we meet maybe we talk about you and i? [10:31:44 PM] Mark: That sounds wonderfultastic [10:32:55 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: you have my contacts you can contact me when you whant [10:33:16 PM] Mark: Doesn't dr mark favour need to send me the Fecal Cleanliness Order first? [10:33:21 PM] Mark: He is the seller, right? [10:33:49 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes [10:33:53 PM] Mark: Ok [10:34:08 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: give me you email and mobile no [10:34:30 PM] Mark: What type of Doctor is he? Is he like Dr. Dre? [10:34:36 PM] Mark: Or Dr Spock? [10:34:36 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: i have called him to send it to me [10:34:46 PM] Mark: my email is (deleted - a real email I use for gathering spammy stuff) [10:35:02 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: he is Dr in business [10:35:17 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: let me check if he sent it [10:35:51 PM] Mark: my mobile number is 22996333683 (this IS a Benin number - of another Benin scammer). [10:37:31 PM] Mark: I'm glad I have met a trustworthy and handsome lawyer [10:38:02 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: are you in benin? [10:38:14 PM] Mark: No, are you? [10:38:22 PM] Mark: That's an Australian phone number [10:40:13 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: if you in benin i can come and sex ur ass (wow, sudden change in sexual orientation!!!) [10:40:26 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: just give me adress [10:40:47 PM] Mark: I'm not in benin. I'm in Bendigo. I know they sound similar. [10:41:36 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: how should i dial you no [10:41:44 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: am trying it [10:41:56 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: and not the no on skype [10:42:02 PM] Mark: 011 + 982- 043 + 88 & 22996333683 (totally made up of course, meaningless, trying to confuse him) [10:42:46 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: ok [10:42:54 PM] Mark: Pretty easy [10:43:24 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: ok [10:44:12 PM] Mark: Or you can call +1 (503) 224-4181 (USA FBI Nigerian Scam phone number) [10:44:34 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: that US [10:44:45 PM] Mark: yes, I do a lot of business with the US. It routes to me [10:44:55 PM] Mark: It's a shorter number, thought it might be easier [10:45:03 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: OK [10:47:03 PM] Mark: Are you calling me? [10:47:37 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: I WILL AFTER [10:49:04 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: i have just spoken with dr mark favour [10:49:44 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: he said he is going to send you all the documents and some gold pics [10:49:51 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: now [10:53:21 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: how old are you? [10:53:36 PM] Mark: I'm simply wonderful. [10:53:49 PM] Mark: Oh [10:53:50 PM] Mark: How old [10:54:05 PM] Mark: Over here that's an insult to ask that question directly [10:57:25 PM] Mark: I shall return in a flurry (I had to attend to something in real life) [10:58:00 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: ok [11:07:16 PM] Mark: Flurry is over [11:07:59 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: on phone [11:08:06 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: a moment [11:08:22 PM] Mark: Is my business not more important than a phone call? [11:10:50 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: i was on phone with dr mark favour [11:11:20 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: he said he has sent the documents with two passport copies [11:11:38 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: am seeing them ![]() This looks legit. ![]() There were about 12 photos all kinda variations on this one. ![]() Not sure if this is cool, scary or sad? ![]() I'm convinced ![]() I'm sure this would stand up in a court of law. What could possibly go wrong? And why has he been sitting on 2000kg of gold since July 2009? I've left out a bunch more certificates, Fecal Cleanliness Orders, more gold shots, passports, etc. Pretty boring. [11:14:04 PM] Mark: You said he'd send me "some gold pics", right? [11:14:24 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes [11:14:47 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: he sent copies to me too [11:14:48 PM] Mark: I got photos from him. They are just normal photos. They aren't made of gold. (I thought this was funny. He missed it totally) [11:14:52 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: am seeing them [11:37:32 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: ok [11:37:43 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: i have seen them all [11:38:08 PM] Mark: And? [11:38:39 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: if you can buy the gold contact him and let him know [11:39:22 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: then you sign the FCO with your copy of passport and send to him and copy of the mail to me [11:39:24 PM] Mark: Did he send the FCO? [11:39:34 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes [11:39:37 PM] Mark: Ok [11:39:45 PM] Mark: What form does the gold come in? [11:39:53 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: you will see it in world [11:40:14 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: dust and stones [11:40:20 PM] Mark: Hmmmmm [11:40:38 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes, that is the raw gold [11:41:04 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: then if you need bars you can ask him if he have in bars? [11:41:28 PM] Mark: Well I didn't want dust or bars [11:42:08 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: what do you want? [11:42:19 PM] Mark: Animal shapes [11:42:40 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: ok [11:42:57 PM] Mark: Would prefer giraffes, but I can be flexible. [11:43:15 PM] Mark: When gold is shaped into animals, I can declare it in customs as novelties and pay less tax [11:44:11 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: ok [11:44:29 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: the goldsmit can do that [11:44:59 PM] Mark: I would like giraffes, meerkats, flamingos and bunyips. [11:45:11 PM] Mark: And an elephant called Simon. [11:45:48 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: do you have the pics of it? [11:46:02 PM] Mark: The elephant called simon? [11:46:25 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: all the emages [11:46:51 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: they will need the pics you want it to be [11:46:53 PM] *** Mark sent simon.jpg *** Look at this, this is the elephant ![]() Simon the elephant [11:47:14 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: so that they will give it to the goldsmith to do it [11:48:00 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: that good [11:48:09 PM] Mark: Did you see the elephant? [11:48:18 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: they can do it [11:48:22 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes [11:49:59 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: so will you come ? [11:50:14 PM] Mark: Yes I will meet the Air Plain [11:51:50 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: is better so you carry the golds with you back [11:52:06 PM] Mark: DO you think I can take it as carry on luggage on the plane? (500kg in carry on luggage???) [11:52:53 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: no [11:53:13 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: but the same plain can carry you and your gold [11:53:21 PM] Mark: Why not? 500grams isn't very heavy/ (I'm getting bored and it's getting late, time to start playing. 500kg is now 500grams) [11:53:39 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: small [11:53:53 PM] Mark: 500 grams is about the same as a bottle of water [11:53:54 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: they don,t selle by grams [11:54:16 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: is not up to one kilo [11:54:27 PM] Mark: That's right. 500 grams is less than one kilo. [11:54:30 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: 1000 grams make 1 kilo [11:54:34 PM] Mark: yes [11:54:39 PM] Mark: So I only wanted 500 grams. [11:55:42 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: unless if you can send money to buy if and send to you by DHL [11:56:03 PM] Mark: How much would 500 grams cost? [11:56:23 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: 15,000 dollars [11:56:38 PM] Mark: I haven't got that much. [11:56:51 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: ok [11:57:03 PM] Mark: How about 5 grams? [11:57:10 PM] Mark: IN the shape of an elephant? [11:57:14 PM] Mark: But it must be called simon [11:57:39 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: how much do you have? [11:58:02 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: then i can see how i can help to get it for you [11:58:03 PM] Mark: $5.83, and 2 boiled lollies, but they are a little dirty. Oh, and a picture of an elephant called simon. [11:58:54 PM] Mark: How much will that get me? [11:59:09 PM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: 3grams [12:01:16 AM] Mark: Is that enough to make an elephant? [12:01:55 AM] Mark: What if we call the Elephant Ezekiel instead of Simon? Would that help? (I had a brief network connection error, thus delay and repititon, not sure if my last comments made it) [12:04:26 AM] Mark: Is that enough to make an elephant? [12:04:32 AM] Mark: 3 grams? [12:04:45 AM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: no [12:05:05 AM] Mark: What if we call the Elephant Ezekiel instead of Simon? Would that help? [12:05:16 AM] Mark: Or Nwa? [12:05:31 AM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: no [12:05:41 AM] Mark: How about if we called it Nigerian Scam? [12:05:53 AM] Mark: Would that help? [12:06:14 AM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: it will be if we call it mark [12:06:24 AM] Mark: Oh Good. Let's do that then!! [12:06:43 AM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: ok, send the cash [12:06:50 AM] Mark: The $5.83? [12:06:54 AM] Mark: And the boiled lollies? [12:07:06 AM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: yes [12:07:36 AM] *** Mark sent 5 dollars 83.jpg *** There ya go ![]() I didn't count it. I think I might have short changed him a bit. And the two boiled lollies. [12:08:31 AM] Mark: This one is a picture of you: [12:08:33 AM] *** Mark sent lollies.jpg *** (this and subsequent pics were pictures designed to annoy him. You don't want to see them, trust me). [12:08:38 AM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: send to my email [12:08:50 AM] Mark: You should look at this one [12:08:53 AM] Mark: It's a photo of you [12:09:04 AM] *** Mark sent nwa.jpg *** [12:09:29 AM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: email [12:09:42 AM] Mark: I haven't got email. Just skype. [12:09:52 AM] Mark: And, sadly, no elephant called simon. [12:09:56 AM] CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS: no [12:10:32 AM] *** Mark sent nwa.jpg *** [12:12:14 AM] *** Call to CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS, no answer. *** [12:12:27 AM] *** Call to CARLOS LAW CHAMBERS, no answer. ***
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